When James and Molly Wyatt of Santa Fe, N.M. decided to retire, they wanted to build a home that was future-minded. “We wanted it to be a beautifully designed sanctuary for our ‘waning years’ plus something that would outlast us and stay in our family for generations,” James Wyatt explains.
They insisted on quality craftsmanship for everything from floor to ceiling. “Houses today are far too often built on a model that cuts as many initial expenses as possible,” he quips. “I try to think ahead, about my grandchildren and their eventual children. Many of the decisions Molly and I made were influenced by the idea that this home would be a part of our extended family forever. It came down to ‘Are you thinking of yourself, or are you thinking of the greater good and all the exciting futures we can influence and be a positive part of if we just start thinking 10, 20, 50 years into the future when we’re making decisions.’”
The Wyatts not only designed the house themselves, but they were incredibly involved with the building process – from helping to mix the concrete counter tops to making the draperies and the wood furniture themselves.
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